Our Primary classes, 1 to 5, focus on children aged from 6 to 11.
Each class has a small number of pupils and is taught by one of our five experienced and motivated primary teachers. There is the additional support of a reading assistant who, on a weekly basis, listens to the children read individually, monitors their progress and streamlines their reading programme accordingly.
The children can thus advance at their own rhythm. We use up-to-date British reading schemes and textbooks and have an extensive library of fiction and non-fiction books, from which the children are allowed to choose every week.
The primary lessons are based on different topics that are worked on over several weeks. The children are encouraged to participate by discussing the subject in question; presenting their own work done at home and by working individually or in groups in class. Topics differ greatly and are always well researched and interestingly introduced by the teacher who generally uses a wide variety of materials to rouse the children’s curiosity.
Our primary classes take place on a Wednesday, and, as such, are entirely complementary to the French system, thus ensuring every opportunity for the children to attend all lessons at their full-time school, whilst also benefiting from what Open Doors has to offer them.

- Horrible Geography: Stormy Weather: Anita Ganeri
- Charlie and the Haunted Tent: Hilary McKay
- Gormy Ruckles: Monster Boy: Guy Bass
- Magic Poems: Jennifer Curry
- Meet the Kreeps: Kiki Thorpe
- Puppy Place: Rascal Ellen Miles
- Treasure Fever! Andy Griffiths
- Monster Makers: Stinkermite: Ali Sparkes
- The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark: Jill Tomlinson
- Mr Skip: Michael Morpurgo
- The Lighthouse Keeper Stories: Ronda Armitage and David Armitage
- Bug Buddies: The Big Game: Joe Miller
- Seriously Silly Stories:The Emperor’s Underwear: Laurence Anholt
- Sophie’s Tom: Dick King-Smith
- A Bear Called Paddington: Michael Bond
- Mudpuddle Farm: Cock-A-Doodle-Doo! Michael Morpurgo
- Mudpuddle Farm: Pigs Might Fly! Michael Morpurgo
- Mo’s Mischief: Four Troublemakers: Hongying Yang
- The Diary of a Killer Cat: Anne Fine
- Dilly and the Goody Goody: Tony Bradman
- The Girl with the Broken Wing: Heather Dyer
- Cool! Michael Morpurgo
- Agent Alfie: Thunder Raker: Justin Richards
- Horrid Henry and the Football Fiend: Francesca Simon
- Don’t Be Horrid, Henry! Francesca Simon
- Mr Gum and the Dancing Bear: Andy Stanton
- The Werepuppy: Jacqueline Wilson
- The Hundred-Mile-An-Hour Dog: Jeremy Strong
- The Iron Man: Ted Hughes
- Read Me Out Loud! Nick Toczek and Paul Cookson
- You Wait Till I’m Older Than You! Michael Rosen
- The Iron Man (audio): Ted Hughes
- The Legend Of Spud Murphy (audio): Eoin Colfer
- George’s Marvellous Medicine (audio): Roald Dahl
- How To Be A Pirate (audio): Cressida Cowell
- Read and Respond: The Twits: Roald Dahl
- Read and Respond: The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark: Jill Tomlinson
- Read and Respond: The Sheep-Pig: Rob Walton
- Nag Club: Anne Fine
- Fortune Cookie: Jean Ure
- Hank Zipzer: Niagara Falls — Or Does It? Henry Winkler
- Marley — A Dog Like No Other: John Grogan
- My Brother’s Hot Cross Bottom: Jeremy Strong
- The Worst Witch to the Rescue: Jill Murphy
- This Morning I Met A Whale: Michael Morpurgo
- Read Me Out Loud! Nick Toczek and Paul Cookson
- You Wait Till I’m Older Than You! Michael Rosen
Primary Classes 1,2 and 3
Classes are held from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Location: Maison des Associations, 9 Route de St Germain, 78860, St Nom la Breteche
Primary Classes 4 and 5
Classes are held from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Location: Maison des Associations, 9 Route de St Germain, 78860, St Nom la Breteche
Open Doors
5bis rue Guitel
78860 St Nom la Breteche
Tel: +33 (0)6 60 37 67 54